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Rookie Area Are you new to the game? This is the place to ask some of the more experienced managers for help. | 2249 Last: butchpt6 | Discussions The main discussion board for the game | 2542 Last: hmpf22 | |
Transfermarket Use this section to advertise any players you have for sale. | 64 Last: dell_g | Friendly Cups Announce new Friendly Cups and have your trash talk about them | 473 Last: Yashin | |
Suggestions Do you have any ideas for new features or modifications to the game? Discuss them here. | 2336 Last: fabry | Bug reporting Whenever something goes wrong, whenever something is not as expected - please tell us here | 1336 Last: BoaTek | |
American Football in real life The area to talk Football | 441 Last: Uaschitschun | The Lounge - Smokers welcome The area for all the topics you need to discuss besides Football and this game | 569 Last: pete | |
RZA Elite League The Forum for the Crown of all leagues | 89 Last: popopotamo | Admirals League Previews, Discussions and Trash Talk | 161 Last: lions1934 | |
Claymore League Previews, Discussions and Trash Talk | 20 Last: hotel | Dragons League Previews, Discussions and Trash Talk | 242 Last: pete | |
Fire League Previews, Discussions and Trash Talk | 111 Last: BoaTek | Galaxy League Previews, Discussions and Trash Talk | 92 Last: StuartW | |
Monarchs League Previews, Discussions and Trash Talk | 118 Last: torakrid | Sea Devils League Previews, Discussions and Trash Talk | 176 Last: 0verpowerd | |
Thunder League Previews, Discussions and Trash Talk | 387 Last: Woolybully65 | deutsch / german Hier kannst Du auf deutsch diskutieren, aber beachte bitte, dass hier keinerlei Fragen zum Spiel durch die Admins beantwortet werden. | 219 Last: hmpf22 | |
francais / french Ici vous pouvez discuter en français. S'il vous plaît noter que les questions sont sans réponse dans ce forum pour le jeu par les administrateurs | 109 Last: Kanar | italiano / italian Qui si può discutere in italiano. Si prega di notare che le domande sul gioco postate in questo forum non troveranno risposta da parte degli amministratori. | 251 Last: Tvllo | |
español / spanish Aquí se puede hablar español, pero tenga en cuenta que las preguntas no serán contestadas por los administradores del juego | 137 Last: francisco javier | Український / Ukrainian Тут можна спілкуватися українською, але майте на увазі, що в цьому розділі адміни не відповідатимуть на питання. | 7 Last: dark_wing | |
český / czech Tady můžete diskutovat o všem možném v českém jazyce. Prosím berte v potaz, že v této části nikdy nebude žádný oficiální komentář, či odpověď ze strany správce hry. | 14 Last: Milit | português / portuguese Aqui pode-se falar em língua portuguesa. Por favor tenham em atenção que aqui não existirão respostas sobre o jogo por parte dos admins. | 37 Last: Mister22 | |
Русский / Russian На этом форуме вы можете общаться на русском языке. Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что администраторы игры не смогут ответить здесь на ваши вопросы. | 6 Last: alexshans84 | Scandinavian / Skandinavisk Her kan du diskutere på norsk/svensk/dansk, men husk på: Det er ikke muligt at få officielle svar på dette forum eller disse sprog. | 11 Last: dogboy | |
Polski / Polish Tutaj możecie dyskutować po polsku. Należy jednak pamiętać, że Administracja Gry nie zamieści tu żadnych oficjalnych informacji. | 7 Last: jpnwrt | Magyar / Hungarian Ebben a forumban magyar nyelven tudjátok megvitatni a játékkal kapcsolatos dolgokat. Kérlek vedd figyelembe, hogy ebben a forumban nem kapsz hivatalos választ az adminisztrációs kérdésekre. | 9 Last: ChoadW | |
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